Clean Rivers Program

stream Restoration what_is_stream_res-1In 1991, the Texas Legislature passed the Texas Clean  Rivers Act [Senate Bill 818]. The Act was intended to move Texas towards comprehensive water resources planning and management to ensure the integrity of the state’s water supply over the long term. The Clean  Rivers Act requires an ongoing assessment of water quality issues and management strategies statewide.  The Act established the Texas Clean Rivers Program under the Texas Water Commission (now the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, or TCEQ). The program is funded by fees assessed on wastewater discharge permittees and water rights holders as well as through TCEQ’s own state appropriations.

For more information on the Clean Rivers Program please visit the TCEQ CRP website. This website has information about the statewide program and links to Clean Rivers Program partner websites.


The objective of the Cooperative Monitoring Schedule is to provide a process by which Planning Agencies will coordinate their monitoring activities with the TCEQ and other qualified monitoring organizations within the basin. The coordinated monitoring schedules are developed each spring in order to implement the new schedules for the coming fiscal year.

Further information may be found at the Lower Colorado River Authority’s website.


San Antonio River Basin Quality Assurance Project Plan
San Antonio River Basin Work Plan

Maps and Details

CRP Partners

Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District
Texas Stream Team
Texas CRP Partners

Steering Committee Meeting Information

Information about SARA’s Clean Rivers Program (CRP) Steering Committee, including agendas and presentations, can be found by following the link for the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC). If you would like to contact a member or would like more information about the committee, please call (210) 302-3623 or email here.