Laboratory Capabilities

In addition to ongoing daily analysis, the San Antonio River Authority laboratory places an emphasis on research and development of new analytical techniques and methodology to further expand the capability and efficiency of the laboratory.

Current Capabilities:

Metals in Solid and Chemical Materials (SCM) – the laboratory was accredited to analyze metals in sediment, soils, compost, and other SCM by ICP-OES and Mercury analyzer.

Bacterial Source Tracking (BST) – the laboratory implemented new BST capabilities by qPCR in July 2016. This capability has enabled the laboratory to determine whether the source of fecal indicator bacteria found in the San Antonio River Basin is Human or Non-Human.

Mercury in Non-Potable Water – In March of 2018 the laboratory received accreditation for analysis of Mercury in NPW.

Future Capabilities:

For the 2019/2020 fiscal year, the laboratory will pursue efforts for the implementation of a new microwave digester for our metals analysis and purchase and implement a new analyzer for the analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC).

Bacterial Source Tracking (BST) – The laboratory intends to research and develop the quantitation of fecal bacteria.

Metals in Non-Potable Water  –  the laboratory is currently accredited to analyze metals in non-potable water by ICP-MS. The lab plans to implement a new ICP-MS to improve metals testing capabilities. The laboratory plans to also develop capabilities to analyze metals in non-potable water by ICP-OES.

Soils Testing – the laboratory is researching and developing various soil testing parameters to expand our scope of testing services; such as pH, conductivity, phosphorous, nitrate, and ammonia.